Aid in Ghana

I’ve been thinking about this a lot, as I painfully trudged through Dead Aid and King Peggy and even Guns Germs and Steel – Ghana is really rather well off. In human development rankings it’s only a couple steps above Bangladesh, and maybe it’s just that I’ve only spent a month on the relatively well-off […]

Sekondi Fish Market

Early morning at Sekondi's formal fish market

Yesterday morning I dragged myself out of bed at 5.15, snagged a leftover piece of pizza, and trudged down the road to where a cab was waiting. I paid the cab driver 3/4 of my daily allowance (I know, I need to get better at figuring out a cheap way to get to Beach Road. […]

I’m going to Ghana…

I’m going to Ghana tomorrow. Probably, maybe…supposedly. My visa only just came through on Friday, so who knows? 90%? VSO still has yet to send me a ticket, but I suppose if it turns out it’s more Thursday or the next day, that too will be fine. Thankfully, it’s my sister taking over my flat […]